Creativity Center

Tailbite the SeaWing Tailbite the SeaWing 18 September 2020

Leaving (Sensitive Topics)

If you’ve read the title, you probably know what I’m going to say.

I’m leaving FANDOM.

Um. Yeah. So. I’ve actually been debating for a while on whether or not I should leave, and I’ve decided that leaving would be best for me. I’m not very active on the WoF wiki or this wiki anyway, so I guess it’s not a huge deal. Although, I feel like I should explain why I’m leaving.

About six months ago, I noticed that the WoF wiki was becoming slightly... unfriendly? If I liked a ship that was unpopular (such as Moonbli, for example) people would try to convince me that my opinion was wrong. For a while, I simply ignored the slow decline of the wiki. But things started to get out of hand. I noticed that if anyone ever tried to share an unpopular opinion…

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Tailbite the SeaWing Tailbite the SeaWing 27 August 2020

Wings of Fire Confessions

Here are some of my unpopular WoF opinions. If you disagree, please respect my opinions.

Glory is an overrated character.

I love Peril, but I found her personality to be extremely unrealistic.

I absolutely despised Dragonslayer.

I think LeafWings are a little boring compared to many of the other tribes.

I think Moonbli is a perfectly good ship, and I don’t understand why so many people hate it.

I think Anemone should have been evil. (I’m so sorry)

I think WoF needs more disabled/permanently injured characters. I mean, there was just a huge war, for goodness sake.

I thought Fathom was a little bit boring. I still love him, though.

I’m kinda disappointed that Queen Wasp isn’t the main villain of the third arc. I mean, the Othermind was an incredible …

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Tailbite the SeaWing Tailbite the SeaWing 21 August 2020


I just realized I completely missed my wikiversary



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Tailbite the SeaWing Tailbite the SeaWing 1 July 2020

Sorting my Warriors OCs into their Hogwarts houses

Briarstar- Gryffindor. Ah, Briarstar. My first OC ever. She definitely has a vibe of being my first OC, but I love her anyway. She doesn’t think too much of herself, and she doesn’t seem to realize that she is brave. She is capable of fulfilling her destiny. She is a strong leader. She’s a Gryffindor.

Sootpelt- Hufflepuff. Oof, I had a lot of trouble sorting this guy. He’s brave and chivalrous, but also cheeky, loyal, and very devoted. I thought about putting him in Gryffindor, but it just didn’t feel right. In my opinion, he gives off a pretty strong Hufflepuff vibe.

Ravenstar- Slytherin. Oh no. Now I feel really bad for putting a villain character in Slytherin. Oh well. Ravenstar is not a Slytherin because he’s bad, but because he’s very obviousl…

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Tailbite the SeaWing Tailbite the SeaWing 18 September 2019

Inspirational blog post

Imma write this now before I forget to.

So a few days ago, my brother’s friend came over. I didn’t hear the whole conversation, but it was about school and difficult assignments. I heard my brother’s friend said “Just don’t try. No one will notice.”

Well, I was really perplexed by that. How could anyone not try their best in school? I don’t think I can even bring myself to not try. It made me sad to think that some kids might be failing in school because of some idiotic advice someone gave them.

So, to all of you students out there, always do your best. Nobody is perfect, but you’ll never get good grades if you don’t try. And if you mess up, try again. Keep trying, because I know you have it in you to do good, even if the homework/test/whatev…

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