Creativity Center
The shadow of hate

The shadow of hate


Storm clan __________________


Brightstar-silver she-cat with blue eyes


Lionspring-large orange tabby Tom

medicine cat

Bloommoth-deep blue-gray she-cat with white dapples


Heavypelt-large thick-furred black Tom

Gingerleaf-ginger Tom

Pounceclaw-black and white she-cat

Blackfin-black Tom

Honeycloud-yellow she-cat

Thunderwing-brown Tom with green eyes

Ebonyheart- dark grey-brown she-cat

Thornberry-brown tabby Tom

Bramblefall-pale gray she-cat

Foxclaw-orange-red Tom

Sootheart-dark grey Tom with black slacks

Redpelt-red she-cat

Spottedfinch-tortoiseshell she-cat


Myrtlepaw-dark brown tabby Tom

Echopaw-silver she-cat

Pricklepaw-tabby Tom

Blossompaw-white she-cat with brown stripe running down back


Larkshine-gray tabby she-cat

Sparkkit-orange tabby she-cat

Amberkit-yellow she-cat

Woodkit-brown-white Tom

Mossnose-tortoiseshell she-cat


Robincall-ragged tortoiseshell she-cat

Jayfoot-dark grey Tom

Heathershine-light tabby she-cat with white belly

Snowclan ___________________


Swiftstar-bown she-cat with white paws


Silverripple-black-gray Tom

Medicine cat

Rushleap-brown tabby Tom


Whitecloud-white she-cat

Birchfoot-dark tabby Tom

Duckwing-tortoiseshell she-cat

Jayflight-spotted gray Tom

Flowerpetal-cream she-cat

Ripplejump-silver Tom

Streamheart-gray Tom with white paws

Pebblepelt-white Tom with black tail

Nettlestem-yellow tabby she-cat

Troutshine-red shecat with white belly and face

Riversplash-blue gray she-cat with white paws

Branchfoot-brown Tom

Russettail-red-brown tom

Grayfuzz-long furred gray she-cat


Berrypaw-yellow she-cat

Turtlepaw-pale gray tabby she-cat


Foxshimmer-red she-cat

Pinekit-orange Tom

Emberkit-black tom


Badgertooth-scarred black and white tom

Brackentuft-brown tabby tom

Nightclan ___________________


Reedstar-cream she-cat


Briatpatch-dark brown Tom

Medicine cat

Duskleaf-dark gray tom


Spottedice-white Tom with black spots

Alderpelt-ginger Tom

Lizardscales-black Tom with brown stripes

Whiskerfoot-large white she-cat

Beefur-yellow she-cat

Rattail-patchy brown Tom

Snakeear-gray tabby Tom

Shadownose-black Tom

Needlefang-silver tom

Fernclaw-light brown tabby she-cat

Haretoe-brown Tom

Willowpool-pale gray she-cat

Blackclaw-black she-cat with one eye

Littlenose-small orange Tom

Tulipspring-blue gray she-cat


Hailpaw-white Tom(medicine cat apprentice)

Smallpaw;-small black and white she-cat


Cardinaltooth-red brown shecat

Cinderkit-gray tom

Daisyfur-yellow she-cat


Thrushsong-dark brown shecat



Snapstar-dark brown tabby tom


Daisyfrost-silver and yellow tabby she-cat

Medicine cat

Tallfrost-long limbed white tom

Morningheart-cream she-cat (med cat apprentice)


Hawkclaw-brown tom

Waspspring-orange tabby tom

Beeflight-yellow she-cat

Lizardheart-light brown tabby tom

Windfall-red shecat

Dustbelly-sandy yellow tom

Beechroot-white shecat

Squirrelpool-brown-red she-cat

Sedgepelt-black tom

Dawnheart-spotted yellow she-cat

Slightpounce-white and gray tom

Timberdash-brown tabby tom

Sharpfang-large gray black she-cat

Smokeclaw-light silver tom


Cloudpaw-white tom

Palepaw-pale silver she-cat


Honeyshine-yellow and black she-cat

Splashfur-dark gray she-cat

Shallowkit-silver she-cat

Skykit-pale brown she cat

Reedkit-red tom


Flypounce-black Tom with half a tail

Fleetfox-long limbed ginger to



Mittens-brown and white tabby tom

Milo-orange tabby tom

Mouse-plump gray and white she-cat


Taillbite-dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes(ex-warrior)

Cuddles-small black and white she cat with yellow eyes(ex-kittypet)


Dumbo-skinny dark brown tabby tom with gray around muzzle


The half moon clung to the sky as the medicine cats walked down the slope. The moons shone off their pelt.

Tallfrost took the lead with his apprentice on his paws.

I need to get me a apprentice too. Bloommoth thought to herself.

They reached the the ancient cave. Bloomoth held her breath as they entered. She was always struck by a sense if power emanating from the strange pool at the end of the passage.

Lead by their whiskers that entered the large stone cave. In the center was a silver pool. It stood still.

The moonpool dazzled Bloommoths eyes as the moon reached it's highest peak making light spill through the cave as it hit the Moonpool.

As the light died down the medicine cats padded forward and touched there noses to the water.

Cold creeped through Bloommoth as it did every time she touched the mystical pool. Ignoring it, she shut her eyes and let Starclan come to her...

She opened her eyes and found herself in a dark forest.This isn't Starclan's hunting grounds. she realized.

Confused she padded forward."hello? starclan?" she called.

The forest held the scent of pine needles and had a gave Bloommoth a foreboding feeling.

"greetings Bloommoth." Came a mew from that...?

Bloommoth turned around to find who she thought it was, Duststar, last leader of storm clan. "Duststar what's going on?!"

Duststar face was grim.

"Beware the hatrid that lies in all.

Beware the Vengeance that burns in hearts

Bones will crack.

Blood will pour.

Find the four

to end oncoming war..."

as the finally word was said he began to fade.

"W-wait Duststar! what's going to happen?!" Just before she woke up she saw the shadow of a cat. It looked toward her and she let out a gasp.It had glowing green eyes and Scarlet droplets dripped from it's whiskers...

Bloommoth jerked her head up.The shadow cat was still vivid in her minds. She looked at her fellow medicine cats.All of them had the same look on their face. Duskleaf was the first to speak. "We need to think about this first before we tell the leaders."

Bloommoth nodded. So did all the others except Rushleap."The clans need to know this." he insisted. Morningheart touched her tail tip to his shoulder. "If we don't consider everything we may miss something and bring fasle information."

"Like don't trust any cats with green eyes." Duskleaf chimed in.

Bloommoth nodded.She knew many cays with green eyes.but these eyes were so wrong...

Rushleap finally gave in and they filed out of the cave. Darkness swallowed them as they turned a corner and we're out of the shine of the Moonpool.

Bloommoth let out a shrudder as she thought of the shadow. Oh great starclan what's going to happen to our clans?

Chapter 1[]

{Amberkits PoV}

{Amberkits PoV}

Amberkit purred. Woodkit and Sparkkit stood off.Woodkit lashed his brown tail. "I will be leader of Stormclan." He growled.

Amberkit curled her tail around paws and watched. Her siblings always had petty arguments like this.

"No, I will." Sparkkit pounced on her brother and they began rolling around.

Amberkit would have joined in but they were way to old to be acting like kits. Tomorrow we will be apprentices! she thought. She then felt nervousness squirm in her belly.

Amberkit had yet to ask Bloommoth if she could be her apprentice. Even though she helped Bloommoth in the medicine den every day.

Foxclaw came up beside her. "What are those to fighting about this time?" he asked, turning his amber gaze to Woodkit and Sparkkit.

"About who will be leader of the clan."

He snorted. "They have a long way to go before that will happen."

Lionspring began calling cats for patrol. "oh I gotta go." Foxclaw mewed.

He walked over to the group of cats leaving Amberkit by herself.

Bored of watching her siblings she went to the medicine den to help Bloommoth. and to ask her if I can be her apprentice. She added.

Amberkit peeked her head through. Bloommoth was sorting herbs in the back.

"Ah Amberkit just in time. Could you put these over there." she flicked her tail to a bundle of herbs and then a corner.

"Sure." She grabbed them and put in the requested spot.

She then sat next to Bloommoth and helped her sort herbs.

Building up her courage she finally asked."Can i be your apprentice?"

Bloommoth turned to her and blinked in surprise."Of course. I assumed you were."

"Really?" Amberkit couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice.

"Of course!" Bloommoth mewed.

Amberkit tried to control her excitement as she helped her with the herbs.

Im going to be a apprentice!

Chapter 2[]

{Skykits PoV}

Chapter 3[]

{Emberkits PoV}

Chapter 4[]

{Cinderkits PoV}
