Creativity Center

By: KikiTheMango

Author's Note[]

This is a joke page and not meant to offend BLINKS or BLACKPINK in any way.

Okay lets get started :D

cccH4PT3RR uNo[]

Once upon a time, there was a girl minding her own business, going clothes shopping with her mom:

"oH i rEaLLy wAnT tHiS m0Mmy pLeAsE bUy iT" jenN1e s41D, p01nTiNg tO uNdErW3ar m4dE f0r thEe y34R oLds

"n0 sw33t1d tH4t f0R b4bie3" m0mMy r3p1ied

'n0009igkuyggyiiu" jenN1e sc333meD, e4tIng oRe0s 4Nd tHr0w1ng thEm 0n tHe fl00r

"m000my 1s p00py we1neR d0G" sHe y3LLed

"y0u sHuT uP 0r 1 t4K3 yOu hOme" m0mmy s4id

m3anwHi1e, 4 p3rs0n w41lk3d t0 th3m

"hELLo w3 w0uld l1ke t0 hir3 uR dAuGhT3r" tHeY s3id tO jenN1e'S m0MM6kuy
