What I'll use to show users something- Hence the 'Demo'
Bio demos[]
cause yes
My 'issues' with Polaris's bio[]
OK umm... She isn't a normal fox. She, specifically, is a singular transformer-fox magic-spirit (Yes, IK, long, but it is what it is). Therefore, she cannot have an actual gender. Now... The issue I was most annoyed by... the word 'Straight' in the sexuality box... She would have 'N/A' in that box. The concept of romantic love does not exist, as regular magic-spirits do not reproduce. However, Polaris DOES have the capiblity to reproduce, as she's a transformer. HOWEVER, that said, she still is not capable of romantic love. And that includes sexuality. AT MOST, if they DID have sexuality, it would be 'straight'. Kinda-rant over, hope it got the point across ; )