Creativity Center

Ok first of all, Hi! My name is Heatwave46! I am here to explain what you need or perhaps help you with new information you probably didn't know about a tribe or all the tribes! Now let's get started!

Seawings-Description: blue or green or aquamarine scales; webs between their claws; gills on their necks; glow-in-the-dark stripes on their tails/snouts/underbellies. Abilities: cone breath underwater, see in the dark, create huge waves with one splash of their powerful tails; excellent swimmers. Queen: Queen Coral. Location of palaces: The farthest corner north east kinda in middle of pyrrhia in the ocean, summer palace(or it's ruins depending on how you would like to see it) location of deep-sea palace not recorded yet.

Mudwings-Description: thick armored brown scales, sometimes amber and gold underscales; large flat heads with nostrils on top of the snout. Abilities: can breath fire(if warm enough), hold their breath underwater for up to an hour, blend into large mud puddles; usually very strong. Queen: Queen Moorhen. Location of palace: close do the Diamond spray Delta

Sandwings-Description: pale gold or white scales the color of desert sand; poisonous barbed tail; forked black tongues. Abilities: can survive a long time without water, poison enemies with the tips of their tails like scorpions, bury themselves for camouflage in the desert sand, breath fire. Queen: Queen Thorn. Location of palace: the farthest bottom west south cornerish of the desert but close to the scorpion den.

Skywings-Description: red-gold or orange or sometimes yellow scales; huge wings. Abilities: powerful fighters and fliers, can breathe fire also have great eyes sight able to see prey or movie targets that are very far away. Queen: Queen Ruby (or Queen Tourmaline depending on what you would like to think Ruby and Tourmaline are the same dragon literally) Location of palace: top north eastish close to Diamond spray River.

Rainwings-Description: scales constantly shift colors, usually bright like birds of paradise, prehensile tails. Abilities: can camouflage their scales to blend into their surroundings; shoot a deadly venom from their fangs. Queen: Queen Glory(technically she's Queen of the Rainwings AND the Nightwings) Location of palace: bottom east south corner of pyrrhia somewhere in the Rainforest(Queen Glory has yet to give location)

Icewings-Description: silvery scales like the moon or pale blue like ice; ridged claws to grip ice; forked blue tongues; tails narrow to a whip-thin end. Abilities: can withstand subzero temperatures and bright light, exhale a deadly frostbreath. Queen: Queen Snowfall. Location of palace: top right of pyrrhia north west to be exact.

Nightwings-Description: purplish-black scales and scattered silver scales on the underside of their wings; like a night sky full of stars; forked black tongues. Abilities: can breath fire, disappeat into dark shadows, and some can read or foretell the future not all tho. Queen: Queen Glory(Queen Glory is the Queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings) Location of palace: well in the Rainforest but also technically in the lost kingdom of night (I'm not sure exactly were that is so sorry)

Hivewings-Description: red,yellow, an/or orange, but always mixed with some black scales; four wings. Abilities: vary from dragon to dragon; examples include deadly stingers that can extend from their wrists to stab their enemies; venom in their teeth or claws; or a paralyzing toxin that can immobilize their prey; others can spray boiling acid from a stinger on their tails. Queen: Queen Wasp. Location of palace: In wasp hive.

Silkwings-Description: silkwing dragonets are born wingless, but go through metamorphosis at age six, when they develop four huge wings and silk-spinning abilities; as beautiful and gentle as butterflies, with scales in any color under the sun, except black. Abilities: can spin silk from glands on their wrists to create webs or other woven articles; can detect vibrations with their antenna to assess threats. Queen: Queen Wasp. Location of palace: Unknown(presumably destroyed)

Leafwings-Description: many different varieties of lime or yellowish greens with hints of brown scales or gold and wings shaped like wings. Abilities: can absorb energy from sunlight and were accomplished gardeners; some have control over plants(aka leafspeak) Queen: Queen hazel (or you could say Queen Sequioa I mean Hazel never was officially crowned Queen choose) Location of palace: The exact location is unknown...but it was somewhere in the poison jungle.

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Heatwave46 the 1 and only:) I hope this has helped!
